Five Reasons to Get YOLKED? Today

Five Reasons to Get YOLKED? Today

So, you’ve heard about the benefits of YOLKED and are interested in learning more? Take a look at these five (science-backed) reasons to get YOLKED today!

Reason #1: YOLKED Has Been Clinically Shown to Increase Muscle Mass, Size and Strength:

In a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled human clinical study that was conducted at the University of Tampa involving young men (18-21 years old), subjects that consumed a placebo gained on average, ~0.6 kilograms of muscle mass over the study duration of 12 weeks [1]. On the other hand, subjects that consumed YOLKED* managed to gain an average of ~1.7 kilograms of muscle mass; this represents an improvement of almost 3-fold in terms of muscle mass gain!

A follow-up study that was performed in rodents demonstrated that YOLKED promotes muscle gain by amplifying biological signaling pathways that promote muscle development (i.e. mTor pathway) while reducing the biological signaling pathways that promote muscle degradation and destruction (i.e. ubiquitin proteasome pathway).

Sharp, Matthew H., et al. “The Effects of Fortetropin Supplementation on Body Composition, Strength, and Power in Humans and Mechanism of Action in a Rodent Model.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 35.8 (2016): 679-691.
*A formulation very similar to Yolked? called MYO-X was used in this study. Both YOLKED and MYO-X formulations contain 6.6 grams of the active ingredient, Fortetropin?.

Reason #2: YOLKED Has Been Scientifically Shown to Enhance Muscle Recovery:

A recent study was performed at Kansas State University to examine the impact of YOLKED on dogs recovering from a surgical procedure called TPLO that is performed to repair the cranial cruciate ligament (similar to ACL in humans) [1]. After TPLO surgery, dogs typically experience significant muscle loss on the limb that was operated on as the dogs are required to keep this limb immobilized for several weeks. The old adage, ?use it or lose it? could not be more relevant when it comes to muscle.

Investigators found that dogs that consumed YOLKED experienced minimal changes in muscle thickness in the limb that underwent surgery after 8 weeks while dogs that received a placebo experienced a significant decrease in muscle thickness. Further, dogs that consumed YOLKED were able to generate much more force from their operated limb relative to dogs that consumed placebo, 8 weeks following surgery.

Read our recent blog, “Will Getting YOLKED? Speed Up Muscle Recovery?

Harkin, Kenneth R., et al. ?The Impact of Fortetropin? Supplementation on Dogs Recovering From Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) Surgery.? Manuscript in preparation.

Reason #3: YOLKED is a Highly Safe, Advanced Nutrition Product:

As a consumer, you have many options to select from in terms of supplements that help you enhance gains in muscle mass. Let us start off by saying that YOLKED is not a supplement; YOLKED is a functional food product.

The active ingredient in YOLKED is Fortetropin?; Fortetropin? is 100% fertilized egg yolk powder.

Most eggs that are available at supermarkets throughout the U.S. are unfertilized. Research has demonstrated that fertilized egg yolk is enriched with an abundance of growth and differentiation factors relative to unfertilized egg yolk [1].

Most egg yolk powders that are available on the market are pasteurized using heat. High temperature is very effective in terms of destroying harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi that can make you very sick. Unfortunately, high temperature also results in protein denaturation (degradation). Many of the lipids in egg yolk undergo oxidation at high temperatures.

YOLKED is produced by a state-of-the-art manufacturing process that is covered by two U.S. patents that utilizes extremely high pressure as opposed to high temperatures to destroy harmful pathogens. In fact, the pressure that the egg yolk is subjected to is greater than the pressure you would experience if you were standing at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean!

Yet, this process manages to maintain the integrity of the bioactive molecules found within egg yolk.

Perhaps you are wondering: why not eat raw eggs instead?

Consuming raw eggs is very dangerous due to the presence of harmful pathogens such as Salmonella and Listeria. Hence, the C.D.C. strongly recommends against this practice. Getting YOLKED is a safe alternative to consuming raw eggs. Further, getting YOLKED helps you benefit from the wealth of nutrients found within egg yolk that are destroyed during the cooking process.

Padliya, Neerav D., et al. “The impact of fertilization on the chicken egg yolk plasma and granule proteome 24 hours post-lay at room temperature: capitalizing on high-pH/low-pH reverse phase chromatography in conjunction with tandem mass tag (TMT) technology.” Food & function 6.7 (2015): 2303-2314.

Reason #4: Getting YOLKED? Will Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight:

In 2005, a group of Researchers at St. Louis University conducted a randomized clinical study involving overweight and obese women to study the impact of an egg-based breakfast relative to a bagel-based breakfast on inducing feelings of fullness after eating [1].

Women between the ages of 25 ? 60 years old were randomly assigned to either the ?bagel group? or the ?egg group.? Participants in each group received a breakfast (bagel- or egg-based) that had equal calories, 3.5 hours prior to consuming lunch. The Researchers found that subjects that ate an egg-based breakfast consumed fewer calories after breakfast and before lunch.
Further, the Researchers found that consuming an egg-based breakfast led subjects to consume fewer calories throughout the entire day and over a period of 36 hours when compared to those consuming a bagel-based breakfast. The same group of Researchers conducted a more detailed study involving egg- and bagel-based breakfast consumption and its impact on weight loss [2].
So what is the take home message?

Get?YOLKED for breakfast and you will likely leave feeling full longer and even consume fewer calories before lunch and later throughout the day. Read our recent blog, “Will Getting YOLKED Help Me Maintain A Healthy Weight?

Vander Wal, Jillon S., et al. “Short-term effect of eggs on satiety in overweight and obese subjects.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 24.6 (2005): 510-515.

Vander Wal, J. S., et al. “Egg breakfast enhances weight loss.” International Journal of Obesity 32.10 (2008): 1545.

Reason #5: YOLKED Provides Essential Nutrients that Support Optimal Brain and Eye Health:

YOLKED is made from the finest fertilized egg yolk on Earth and egg yolk is a rich source of nutrients such as choline and carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients are found exclusively within the yolk fraction of eggs, not in egg white [1] (Figure 1).

Research has also shown that egg yolk is much more effective at stimulating muscle development that egg white [1]. Choline is a key nutrient found in egg yolk that your body utilizes in order to manufacture a vital neurotransmitter, acetylcholine [2]. The carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin [3] that are present in abundance in egg yolk are powerful antioxidants that can slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is one of the leading causes of blindness in older adults throughout the Western World.

Burd, Nicholas A., et al. “Food-First Approach to Enhance the Regulation of Post-exercise Skeletal Muscle Protein Synthesis and Remodeling.” Sports Medicine 49.1 (2019): 59-68.
Zeisel, Steven H. “Choline: an important nutrient in brain development, liver function and carcinogenesis.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 11.5 (1992): 473-481.
Krinsky, Norman I., John T. Landrum, and Richard A. Bone. “Biologic mechanisms of the protective role of lutein and zeaxanthin in the eye.” Annual review of nutrition 23.1 (2003): 171-201.

Figure 1: Egg yolk matrix is rich in high-quality dietary protein, lipids, vitamins and minerals when compared to the egg white matrix. Reproduced from Burd, Nicholas A., et al. Sports Medicine 49.1 (2019): 59-68.