"My “Y” is my family, myself, and my dream." Rustam Potokov, Pro Football

"My “Y” is my family, myself, and my dream." Rustam Potokov, Pro Football

What's Your "Y"

Rustam Potokov, Pro Football

How has your sport journey evolved?

My sport journey has evolved immensely throughout the years. No one wakes up great at any talent or skill. I wake up and improve my abilities each day. I got better at my techniques and learned from the best - my journey has been filled with many people who support me.

Who has been your main source of motivation or inspiration?

My mom has been my inspiration all my life - she’s been by my side throughout my entire football career. She continues to inspire me and push me even on the toughest of days.

Where do you find more motivation? In doubters or supporters?

Believing in yourself is important. Once you believe in yourself, it’s easier to find motivation from your doubters - because sadly, there will always be doubters. It drives me to prove them wrong. I’m a hard worker and I will never allow anyone to take that away from me. Proving doubters wrong has to be the absolute best feeling.

What is the biggest mental challenge you've had to face in your sport and how have you conquered that?

My mom is my biggest supporter and motivator. She had to undergo heart surgery while I was playing football. It was difficult to overlook my best friend in such a vulnerable position but it forced me to focus on what I had to do. It’s moments like these that showcase the mental challenges athletes often face in unavoidable situations.

What do you do to make sure you're physically and mentally prepared for competition?

Before any competition or game, I get a workout in and I’m guaranteed to always have some music in.

Describe your recovery strategies. How do you know if those recovery strategies are working?

My recovery strategies are taking an ice bath, getting a massage after, and doing a little workout to help loosen up my muscles. Incorporating YOLKED into my recovery process has also been a must lately. It never fails to get my body feeling a million times better.

What's Your "Y"? What keeps you going and training as hard as you do?

My “Y” is my family, myself, and my dream.

Seeing myself on a field playing the sport I love with the people who have supported me from the start surrounding me is the vision that has kept me going. I’m one of the lucky ones that gets to do what I genuinely love every day - why would I do anything to jeopardize that?

Having a brand like YOLKED that has similar values to myself, supporting me is incredible and something that further pushes my “Y”.

Where do you see yourself as an athlete in 5 years?

I have a fear of regret. In 5 years I hope to look back and know that I gave everything I had to the game. I owe that to everyone that has supported me and myself.


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