"Fitness is a journey, a lifelong journey!" ~Reese Cates

"Fitness is a journey, a lifelong journey!" ~Reese Cates

What's Your "Y"

Interview with Reese Cates, Former Professional Bull Rider, CrossFit Coach

My name is Reese Cates. I'm a former professional bull rider and now a CrossFit Coach.

My athletic career started with the sport of professional bull riding and has transitioned into CrossFit as well as ultra running.


I have always been drawn to sports that are more of an “individual style“ where the only determining factor of win or lose falls directly on yourself and there’s no one else to blame if things don’t pan out.

Although extremely fun there is also a downside, there’s no one else to lean on if you’re not up to par, there are no coaches and no road map to success.

Thankfully all of the hurdles have allowed me, through trial and error, to find the things that truly work when it comes to being in peak physical condition.

This is where YOLKED came into the picture for me. I originally heard about the company through a veterinarian friend of mine who uses the animal version to treat a tiger with muscular dystrophy! He was informing me on how well it was working and told me to give it a shot, so I figured if it’s good enough for a tiger, it’s good enough to give a try.

After a few months of taking YOLKED I was able to PR my back squat, bench press and deadlift as well as complete my very first Ultramarathon of over 50 miles!

I would recommend this product to anyone from professional athletes to the elderly just trying to maintain muscle mass as they navigate their day. It truly works and it taste amazing!

Thank you YOLKED and I am very proud to be a part of such a great brand!

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