"We can accomplish whatever we put our minds to." ~Octavian Jackson, IFBB Pro

"We can accomplish whatever we put our minds to." ~Octavian Jackson, IFBB Pro

What's Your "Y"

Octavian Jackson, IFBB Pro

Give us a brief background of how your fitness/sport journey has evolved?

I started lifting weights in 2014 out of boredom in North Hollywood. I'd always hear about celebrities going to the 24hr Fitness located right next to my apartment so I decided go and check it out. I loved the gym environment so decided to get a membership and stay consistent. Although I wasn't dieting, just strictly lifting weights, I started to see changes in my body and wanted to get growing.

I later met a guy named Chris at the gym who eventually introduced me to his competition prep coach. Needless to say, I soon made the decision to pick out a show and start an actual prep for a competition. I started an 8 week prep for a show in April of '17. I ended up placing first place in my class which qualified me for nationals. I chose to do Miami nationals in November of '17 where I placed 1st in my class again which earned me my pro card.

What (or who) has been your main source of motivation over the years?

My motivation has come from my strong support system who I refuse to let down. 

Where do you find more motivation: doubters or supporters?

I find more motivation from doubters because there's no greater feeling than proving someone wrong after they've said you couldn't do it.

I love challenges!

What is the biggest mental challenge you've had to face in your sport and how have you conquered that?

The greatest mental challenge I've had to face is learning to eat frequently even when I'm not hungry. I just had to stay consistent with eating a lot more often than I was used to.

I kept telling myself that in order to overcome this challenge I'd have to get familiar with being out of my comfort zone... and it worked.

What do you do to make sure you're physically and mentally prepared for competition? 

I distance myself from people, especially negative people. Sometimes I turn my phone off so I'm not bothered by outside distractions.

Knowing that I've got cardio, posing, training and meal prepping to do usually helps keep me locked in.

Describe your recovery strategies.  

Honestly I really didn't have a recovery strategy besides stretching before I started using YOLKED!

Since I've started taking YOLKED supplements, I've noticed my muscle soreness after workouts is cut in half.

What's Your "Y"? What keeps you going and training as hard as you do?

I don't do what I do for myself. I do it to inspire people and to let them know that we can accomplish whatever we put our minds to with hard work, dedication, and consistency. 

Where do you see yourself as an athlete in 5 years?

I'll be a top 5 Olympian


"You cant be committed to the dream, you have to be committed to the process"!

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