No Gym? No Problem! 6 Easy Ways To Workout At Home

No Gym? No Problem! 6 Easy Ways To Workout At Home

No Gym? No Problem! Workout at Home with YOLKED

No gym? No problem! Stay motivated and workout at home. We make it easy for all levels to stay on track and stay YOLKED! In fact, some of the best at-home workouts don’t even require any equipment other than your own body weight and maybe an odd object (like a backpack filled with books).

6 Full Body Workouts for Home

Want to stay fit while you’re stuck at home but not sure what to do? Even if you don’t have dumbbells, pull up bars or any other fitness equipment at your disposal, you can use body weight to target nearly every muscle group in your body and stay YOLKED at home!

1. AMRAP at Home

Trainer and YOLKED Ambassador, Angela Salveo, brings you a classic CrossFit workout: AMRAP. Complete As many Rounds As Possible in 10 minutes of the following:

  • 10 Tuck Jumps
  • 10 Backpack Squats
  • 10 V-Ups

Try the workout at home >>

2. Train at Home Like an OCR! 

Evan Perperis, YOLKED Ambassador and Professional Obstacle Course Racer, gave us a spicy workout you can do at home if you have a pull-up bar. Check out the video for all the details.

  • Beginner workout: 1 mile with pull up variant or negatives every 1/4 mile
  • Intermediate: 3 miles pull up variant every 1/4 mile
  • Advanced: 5 miles with pull up variant including hard holds every 1/4 mile

Try the workout at home >>

3. Park Circuit

Want biceps like Team YOLKED trainer and motivational influencer, Pat Stacks

He’s always pushing his workouts to the limit, and you can follow his lead with his creative quarantine circuit. You can do it on your kids’ playground or at a nearby park. Check it out! “I love pushing myself to the limit and seeing how all the training pays off when you overcome obstacles.” 

“I love pushing myself to the limit and seeing how all the training pays off when you overcome obstacles.” 

Try the workout at home >>

4. Rounds for Time at Home with Angela!

Angela Salveo is coming in hot with another workout for you. The workout is 5 round for time of the following exercises:

  • 5 Plank Walks
  • 10 Squat Touch Jump
  • 15 Air Squats
  • 20 High Knees

Try the workout at home >>

5. Get Your Arms Pumping with Pat

Can you keep up with CPT Pat Stacks? Try this arm-pumping circuit and then challenge a friend!

Try the workout at home >> 

6. YOLKED at Home Ab Circuit with Angela

Getting those summer abs ready? Try this 16-minute ab circuit, and you’ll definitely feel the burn!

Set a timer to ding on the minute, every minute for 16 minutes. 

  • Odd minutes: Butterfly sit ups
  • Even minutes: Any version of a plank

Try the workout at home >> 

Stay Home. Stay YOLKED

Whatever your goals are, our YOLKED Ambassadors have you covered! Try these workouts at home and include a picture or video of you completing the workout to be eligible to win a month supply of YOLKED! Remember to include #getYOLKED #YOLKEDatHome and @yolkedfortetropin.

Check out more great ways to workout at home on our Instagram Stories Highlight “Home Workouts.”

Amp Up Your Workout Gains with YOLKED

So, you’re motivated to keep your gains? YOLKED can help with that!

Find out more about YOLKED, “Protein’s Perfect Partner: A Breakthrough in Sports Nutrition!” 

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