"Be Obsessed with your goals!" ~Matt Cable, CrossFit Athlete

"Be Obsessed with your goals!" ~Matt Cable, CrossFit Athlete

What's Your "Y"

Interview with Matt Cable, CrossFit Athlete, Competitor on NBC Titan Games

Tell us about your journey.

I started playing sports at a young age. I was a 5 sport athlete in high school and it transitioned in to me wrestling in college and playing arena football shortly after.

Life has thrown a few curve balls at me.

In 2014 I was diagnosed with AML leukemia which is a cancer of my bone marrow and I was immediately admitted into the hospital. Shortly after being admitted, I endured complete organ failure which should have taken my life. I was in coma and life support for 18 days, lost 60lbs...but then I woke up.

I felt like my journey had just begun.

I let nothing get in my way. I trained morning and night to get my speed and strength back.

I made the Warrior Games team in 2017 for team Air Force and won 3 Gold medals and a silver.

Shortly after the Warrior Games I got a call from NBC’s The Titan Games and I competed on season 1. It was such an incredible experience.


After The Titan Games I got deployed over seas and 3 months later I found out my leukemia had returned and I had relapsed. I then got medically evacuated back to the states and began to get back into remission. Shortly after getting back into remission our next mission was a bone marrow transplant but before I received a transplant, I got very sick from the chemotherapy and I found myself back in the ICU and on life support fighting for my life.

I came through and I only knew of one thing to do and that was to fight, so that’s what I did.

Through this entire process I had still remained in the gym almost daily. I finally had my bone marrow transplant and I’ve been in full remission 2 months now. It’s been a blessing and that’s what keeps me motivated each day.

What has been your main source of motivation?

My goal is to help as many people as I can overcome whatever obstacles lays in their path no matter how big and I will continue pushing my body to see where it can take me after this ones normal.

Describe your recovery strategies. 

YOLKED is something that I believe every serious athlete should be taking. It increases the rate of protein synthesis and as an athlete we need that to repair our muscles so we can build them back up after we have broken them down. Recovery is the most important thing to building muscle.

What's Your "Y"? What keeps you going and training as hard as you do?

I have beaten death multiple times and I have realized that life can be over in a blink of an eye. Do not waste it by doing something that you do not love.

Be obsessed with your goals!!

Favorite motivational quote.

Our greatest weakness is giving up...You gotta turn that off and always try just one more time.


YOLKED is a huge contributor with my recovery and my building of my muscles and I’m very excited to be a part of team YOLKED!!


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