In A Rush? Here’s Why Fast Workouts Can Be Just As Effective

In A Rush? Here’s Why Fast Workouts Can Be Just As Effective

Why Fast Workouts WORK!

For the longest time, most people thought they had to hit the gym for an hour or longer for their workout to be effective. Yet, the ongoing challenge is how to fit in this kind of time into your daily life. What if you can’t make it to the gym? What if you don’t have an hour…or even a half an hour? Thankfully, newer research has something good to say about that! Fast workouts can be just as beneficial – if not more so – as long workouts.

No Time to Workout?  No Problem.  Enter:  The Micro-workout

More is not necessarily better.

In fact, a study published by Harvard Health found that two minutes of ultra-intense exercise can provide the same healthy, life-extending properties as a 30-minute workout. Why? Because that quick bursts of movement can be just as effective to boost your cells’ metabolism.

And in today’s over-scheduled world, the concept of micro-workouts make a lot of time-crunched fitness-goers very happy.

Gyms are catching on, too. Whether you’re a CrossFit junkie, F45 devote or Orangetheory enthusiast, you may notice more classes on the schedule that are designed to get you fit in half the time.

Get in. Work hard. Get YOLKED. Go Home.

Fast Workouts Are Sure to Leave You YOLKED In No Time

In a recent survey by the American College of Sports Medicine, fitness professionals voted HIIT (high-intensity interval training) as the third top fitness trends in 2019. So, what exactly does a HIIT workout look like?

HIIT is different from steady-state workouts (think: long, slow jogging at an even pace) because it involves intervals that push you at a higher intensity (think: sprint busts at a faster pace or higher incline). Of course, these intervals will look different based on what you’re training for, but the concept remains the same: work at 80-100 percent of your heart rate capacity for one to five minutes and alternate with periods of rest or lower intensity exercise. There’s no doubt that HIIT training can be a time-efficient way to stoke the metabolism fire and torch calories. But the benefits extend beyond that. The biggest benefit of exercising with intervals is heart health.

Consider this 2016 study on Sprint Interval Training, in which the researchers followed two groups of participants for a period of 12 weeks. One group exercised out for 10 minutes (which included several short intervals that added up to one minute), and the other for 50 minutes at a continuous pace. The study showed a telling finding. The two groups of individuals experienced the same improvement in their oxygen uptake, despite their different time commitments.

Get YOLKED in Half the Time!

As you can see, fast workouts can be just as effective as long workouts? if not more. It’s important to note that HIIT can be very demanding – both physically and mentally. Mixing in steady-state workouts once in a while is also beneficial. But, for those who are in a rush and can tolerate short, high intensity bouts of exercise, it’s the most efficient way to train.

Undaunted by a big time commitment, the key is to maximize your time with quick bouts of intervals. But remember, even the little activities throughout the day add up, too. For example, taking the stairs or parking further from the door can actually provide significant health benefits. Don?t discount all the other hours of your day.

Do you have a few favorite go-to quick workouts? Share them and tag us @yolkedfortetropin so we can add them to our list!

Ready to #GetYOLKED? 3,2,1…  let’s GO!

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