"My “Y” is to be the absolute best I can possibly be." Chad Smith, Golf Traveling Adventurer

"My “Y” is to be the absolute best I can possibly be." Chad Smith, Golf Traveling Adventurer

What's Your "Y"

Chad Smith, Golf Traveling Adventurer

What (or who) has been your main source of motivation?

"My main source of motivation is my wife and kids. There is nothing I won’t do for them and will always put in whatever work is necessary to make sure they are taken care of and have every opportunity to be successful."

Where do you find inspiration?

"I'm inspired by Mr. Ben Hogan and his incredible work ethic and story. He came back from a life threatening car crash to dominate his sport. His story is what keeps me working hard to become great at the game of golf, and life."

What do you do to make sure you're physically and mentally prepared to compete?

"One way to make sure I am physically and mentally ready to compete is by outworking my opponents. I workout three times a day, 6 days a week (minus tournaments). I also depend on YOLKED to help me recover quicker so I can keep pushing to gain that edge on the competition."

What's Your "Y"?

"My “Y” is to be the absolute best I can possibly be.

I always work hard at being better than what I was the day before to always keep moving forward, and never give up."

What is the biggest mental challenge you've had to face and how have you conquered that?

"I had a very promising athletic career in front of me but after a broken leg, two broken arms, two knee surgeries, a broken hand multiple times and both wrists broken, I had to give up my dreams of being a professional athlete. That is, until I found golf and YOLKED. I have worked very hard at building my body back up through a sustainable training regiment.

Through the trials and tribulations when I was younger I have been able to work on my mental game and know no matter what the situation is in golf I have already faced and conquered a lot tougher obstacles."

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

"In 5 years I’d see myself playing on the PGA tour!"

“My results have been outstanding in only a few weeks. I have gained 5lbs of muscle and am hitting the ball further than ever. YOLKED tastes great also. I absolutely love it and will be a lifelong user of YOLKED."

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